
Senin, 09 April 2012

Lucemon: Satan Mode

[Lucemon Satan Mode] In the shape of a dragon that appeared in Apocalypse, the final form of the Lucemon. Overhead has a "(hell) hell" sphere of dark holding a crown of seven deadly sins, to absorb all sorts of attacks as transmitted to the Apocalypse. It is said that the world will perish when the disabled in front of "Gehenna" is all attack, Lucemon has appeared this . However, there has been in the "hell" (Luce mont Raruba) is the body of the Lucemon, Satan mode is not too much in the shadow of Lucemon. Therefore, even trying to attack no matter how Satan mode, that is to attack Lucemon-Raruba  is the body can not reach. Special Moves "and par Gath Real Flame" Flame of destruction to purify all, "DeVine atonement" the light of the disappearance from the crown of the seven fires.

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